Thanks To Our Sponsors!
Monday & Wednesday
8:30 (BP) 9:30 Game
North Collier Regional Park, Naples, FL
November to April
Next week the games will be played on Wednesday, January 22, and Friday, January 24, 2025
See Revised Schedule as of 1/15/2025.
We move to Veterans Park on the following dates:
Monday, March 10, Wednesday, March 12
Monday, March 17, Wednesday, March 19
We return to North Collier County Park, March 24, till the end of the season
Midseason picnic February 5th
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact Commissioner Nick Layton
2025 Season
Opening Day
Board of Directors
(From L to R)
Sharon Lubbert
Ed Volvolek
Doyle Stephens
Nick Layton - Commisioner
Mike Conners
Hall of Fame Inductees
Chuck Mayers & Nick Billy Shields Ron Ferrero and Doyle
Chuck with his family: L to R
Marie (Granddaughter)
Great Granddaughter Emerson
Great Grandson Maverick
Mike (Grandson)
Ron and his wife, Sally
Managers (From L to R)
Back row:
Mike Conners,
Ralph Buelow,
Butch Fischman,
Les Sharp,
Jimmy Pleiman,
Bob MacMillan
Ray Waechter,
Bob Kruczowy,
Ed Volvolek
Umpires (From L to R)
Mark "Slugger" Lauer
Tom "Red" Kopytko
Mike Caprio
Mike Mattish
(From Left to Right)
Kathy Locke
Sharon Lubbert
Lisa Calyoure
Alex (Website Administrator)
Bob Gentile, League Founder, H.O.F 2024
North Collier County Crew
Donn Garby, Randi Swinderman, Mike Cummings, Mark
Eileen and Nick Layton
with Sally Ferrero
Wayne Barrick
Playing National Anthem on Saxaphone
Congrats to the Angels on winning the 2024 championship!
Congrats to the Mets on the 2024 most winning regular season record.
2024 Photos
L/R Kay Peluse -, Mike Peluse, Hall of Fame Inductee - Doyle Stephens
The Managers: L/R Standing: Mike Conners - Jimmy Pleiman - Butch Fischman - Les Sharp - Joe Russell
Kneeling Ed Vovolek - Bob Kruchzowy - Howard Goldstone
Ladies of the League L/R Sharon Luebbert - Anne Brooks- Kim Souza Kneeling Kathy Locke - Anita Chen.
The Umpires: L/R Mark "Slugger" Lauer - Mike Mort - Randy Segalla - John Truitt - Mike Mattish - Jeff Frey
Invocation by Dave Smith
Nick (Commissioner) - Bob Gentile Hall of Fame Inductee
L/R Russ - Doyle Stephens, Hall of Fame Inductee.
L/R Doyle - Jeannie Schelsinger Sponsor McAlisters Deli - Nick
Cubs, Standing Left to Right: Keith Klinworth, Mike Albano, Dave Boerger, Bruce Carroll, Marc Baumgarten, Bill Lepore, Russ Gomes, Scott Depauw
Kneeling Left to Right: John Jackson, Rich Eudicone Mike Conner (MGR), Jim Hunt, Nick Layton, Rick Discenze.